Brown boxes in Fairfield Harbour received a new insert which attempts to mislead property owners by criticizing two highly qualified candidates in this year’s election for FHPOA Director.
FACTS would like to set the record straight.
Prior to December, 2016, our community faced a bleak future. Amenities owner MidSouth Golf, LLC, had declared bankruptcy and wanted to sell those 385 acres of land within the boundaries of Fairfield Harbour to whomever would pay its price. Our then POA BOD sought loans from several banks, but no bank would lend without reasonable collateral. The POA could not legally use future dues as collateral. The value of the land, itself, could not guarantee the loan. Our community faced an uncertain future and the very real possibility that as a community we would have no real input or control as to how the land could be developed and thus could face even lower property values for all of us.
Maury Thompson agreed to lend his experience and credibility to what was to become Harbour Partners, LP. Approximately 85 Fairfield Harbour property owners came forth to lend the POA the funds needed to protect the 385 acres from unwanted development. Yes, the interest offered is 6% (same offer as one of the banks). HOWEVER, the return on the Partners investment is not guaranteed and there was and still is a very real risk involved. These investors in their community agreed to take that risk because they believed in Fairfield Harbour and were willing to risk their money to save it. Candidate Irv Joffee is one of those who invested in the future of Fairfield Harbour.
Yes, Candidate Maury Thompson is presently manager of this property owners’ investment group, BUT, as he stated clearly and repeatedly on Candidates Night and in his bio provided to the BOD, to the Beacon, and to you, he and his wife, Ginger, deliberately refrained from investing ANY money in Harbour Partners, LP to be sure there would be NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST at ANY time.
Candidate Maury Thompson has also promised that, if elected, he would resign his position as manager of Harbour Partners.
Please remember that each of the Harbour Partners, LP is a property owner, and a payer of the interest on the loan, along with every other property owner. The longer the loan exists, the greater the risk for each of those investors. If the POA has the ability to pay down the principal, refinance the loan, or restructure it to decrease interest charges, it would benefit ALL property owners. Who wouldn’t want that?
When the vote was taken to accept the Harbour Partners, LP’s loan, the Directors on the Board who had invested disclosed their positions (POA Board Minutes of 12/7/16). Of course, any “Partners” present at any future vote regarding the loan will do the same.
The author of the brown box insert is well aware of all of this, is well aware that it was written to mislead you and is well aware that it was designed to cast aspersions upon two candidates dedicated to Fairfield Harbour and its future. No wonder the writer chose to remain anonymous!
Fairfield Action Council for Truth and Support –
FACTS is a special interest group serving Fairfield Harbour since 2011. Our website can be found at; select Subscribe to remain informed.